Author: marie

May 2, 2020

Coming Up In My Sneakers with Heather Loduca

Every great super hero has an origin story. This just happens to be ours…

May 1, 2020

Yo! Is Punk Dead?

Truthfully, music was really only one part of the whole identity of punk. This is the rest of the story…

July 22, 2019

It begins

“Start a podcast,” we said, “It’ll be fun,” we thought.
Yeah, did not think it was going to take over our lives, or that a few weeks later we would have an audio producer… or a boss ton of interviews in Los Angeles… followed by a packed TIFF schedule and now a fully formed distribution plan.

It was really just supposed to be me and Chrissy chatting about things that used to be in counter, alternative, and subculture but now seem to be apart of our everyday. We wanted to explore how that happened.

The Elevator Pitch: It’s like Joe Rogan but with two chicks and a thesis.

TL:DR: How did the beliefs, rituals, and hobbies from ancient cultures somehow skip from being the stuff only kooks and geeks were into, to being apart of pop culture?

When did it become cool for Missy Elliott to talk about manifestation or for people to want to #RaidArea51? When did crystals start to have magical powers and retrogrades rule whether we launch a podcast during it or not? When did twerking become a fad or even winged eyeliner, for that matter!

These are all parts of our pop culture lives and there’s more to it than that. Each one of these trends has something in common, they weren’t all that popular and then, suddenly, as if overnight, they became popular – it’s that turning point we call a “sync”. And syncs, in our opinion, happen sometimes at a single point in time, or at different points in time within different communities, developing alongside each other, yet, seemingly independent of each other.

We ask ourselves why… (we ask why a lot!).

In this show, we try and explain the syncs – or at least understand it better.

And, yes, you will also hear your favourite celebrities joining in and helping us map those syncs. You would be surprised to hear what they know these topics.

Yes, at this point, we’re pretty sure the Illuminati is real. Also, there’s is apparently an all-female version – I like to think it’s like the land of Amazons from Wonder Woman… but it probably isn’t.

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