June 10, 2020

We Stand in Solidarity

We have really focused a lot on how our world is rapidly changing for the better – right in front of our very eyes! However, that journey is paved with an incredibly important story that we feel needs to be told without distraction.

While we were planning on releasing an episode in June – an episode we felt was going to add to the global conversation and tackle an important consideration regarding pop culture. That pop culture is influenced by many cultures and people, however, it doesn’t always have a positive impact. In some cases, we take for granted the roots of some of our pop culture imagery and tropes and neglect to consider the historic roots – which lends to maintaining harmful stereotypes and appropriation.

In order to approach our content with the highest regard and also ensure that we are not pulling focus away from the necessary Black Lives Matter movement – we are going to take extra time working with advisors and members of the community, in order to ensure that we are bringing this story to light with the utmost sensitivity and respect.

We are still working to release a new episode at the earliest appropriate opportunity in June or if that’s not possible, then within the second week of July.

In order to stand in solidarity, it does mean that we have to understand when it is time to speak and a time to listen.

This is the time to listen.

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